Gratitude over Thankfulness

It’s easy to be “thankful” for simple things, like waking up one more day, having enough food on the table, a place to live, or family and friends. Those have all become easy answers when someone asks “what are you thankful for?” and you really can’t think of anything. Happiness is defined as “the feeling of being happy of grateful because of something,” so it’s not just a feeling, but a reactionary feeling.

The thing is…you can’t control your feelings. Maybe you think you can, but in reality, the only thing in the entire world you can control is your actions. So what action can you take hold of and control when it comes to being thankful?


This is defined as “the readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.” An even more simplified reading of gratitude may be…an outward showing of thankfulness through some action. 

Here are a few simple ways you can express gratitude in your life…and in business.

Leave a Positive Review

All too often a business only sees the worst of people. “Karens” (sorry, no offense to actual Karens) are much more likely to leave negative Google or Yelp reviews than to actually talk in a sensible manner with someone who can fix their problem. I heard recently of a hair salon that got a 1-star review from a client who was outwardly very happy, hugged the stylist, and tipped very well when she left. 

Break the mold…if you have a good experience with a business, think about how you would want people to give you a good review…then go do it! It only takes a couple minutes and may really help to offset some of the unjust negative reviews.

Tip Extra Well for Extra-Great Service

We all work hard for what we put in the bank. Especially at this time of the year—but don’t let it being any time of the year stop you—if you are at a bar or restaurant and the waiter or bartender is doing an excellent job, sometimes despite the circumstances going on around them, make sure to express your gratitude for them with an extra-healthy tip.

Send a “Thank You” Card to Your Valuable Clients

Buy a box of “thank you” cards at the store…or go talk to your local print shop about getting some custom-printed…and make sure when a business deal goes well that you handwrite a note inside the card, hand-letter the client’s name and address on the outside of the envelope, and stick it in the mail.

That’s right…regular old snail-mail…which has a much higher impact on people than just sending them yet another email…you know that client gets a couple hundred of those a day, right? A “thank you note” email will get lost or ignored much faster than a printed one will. 

Be Responsive to Client Needs

Probably the best way to show your clients gratitude on a regular basis, though, is to just be responsive to their needs. When they call you, pick up the phone…or if you can’t, make sure you get back to them as soon as you can. When they email about a question or problem, reply before the day is over. Of course, try to have a solution when you reply…but if you can’t, at least have words of empathy and express your commitment to finding a solution to whatever the problem is.

Want to change your world with one small act of gratitude at a time? Think about these small ways to put your thankfulness into practice…then come up with your own! It isn’t easy, to be sure! Nothing that’s worthwhile ever is. We challenge you to live a more grateful life…at the same time that we challenge ourselves to do the same.

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